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The Blog Begins

Hey for anyone interested I'll will be using this blog to document my daily art activities or at least every few days, just when I feel I have something of interest that is art based to share with the world.

So I guess my most recent focus was a study of the human nose and paying particular attention to its complex forms and how light interacts with it. I guess I know how things work in theory but applying it in practice is allot tougher than one would expect.

Hey for anyone interested I'll will be using this blog to document my daily art activities or at least every few days, just when I feel I have something of interest that is art based to share with the world.

So I guess my most recent focus was a study of the human nose and paying particular attention to its complex forms and how light interacts with it. I guess I know how things work in theory but applying it in practice is allot tougher than one would expect.

Instead of looking at photographs and trying my best to discern a 3dimensional object from a 2D representation, I decided to use some 3D scan files of people I had downloaded from

This better enabled me to study the shape of the nose on a couple of different faces (without being socially awkward)

The result was much more informative than looking at a photograph, as of course I am freely able to rotate around it and using Zbrush's screen capture I could lay out a series of viewing angles to better view the nose and all its many wonders with even greater ease.

The image you see above is a mix of observational sketches and drawings from memory.

I feel I am starting to better understand the forms of the nose, however the relationship between the ball and wings and how they interplay to create the hollow of the nostrils still cases problems from certain angles.

I will keep at this until I better understand the bottom part of the nose and how it connects to the face.

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